SoftwareDevTools in Pitney Bowes SMB Challenge.

SoftwareDevTools in Pitney Bowes SMB Challenge.

SoftwareDevTools is excited to be at this year's Pitney Bowes SMB Challenge, taking place at the PayPal offices in San Jose, CA!! We're in town to take on a product that we're sure will help SMB's streamline their operations. Read all about it:

What's it all about?

Pitney Bowes is a global provider of enterprise-class commerce technology, with a special focus in SMB's for this upcoming hackathon event. This time the event partners are PayPal, Amazon's AWS & Freshworks. So there's a lot of opportunities to build something great that can make use of great platforms to make the operation of SMB's a lot more efficient and easy.

Pitney Bowes logo

Pitney Bowes’ Small and Medium Business Challenge is a product and application development hackathon for small and medium business (SMBs) focused applications and solutions.

PayPal provides APIs to easily and securely accept online and mobile payments. Also, Freshworks, a company that creates business software for support and sales, this time is providing APIs and SDKs to build apps on top of their platform, that brings better customer support in all eCommerce applications. We know there's no shortage of resources to generate great ideas.

This hackathon event is an excellent opportunity for dev teams to leverage Pitney Bowes expertise and the Freshworks Platform to create apps and solutions for over 750,000 existing platform clients. With experts available during the hackathon for any question you have.

The SoftwareDevTools team has decided to make use of Freshdesk's customer support platform and create an integration of Freshdesk + Mercado Libre platform. Mercado Libre is the most popular Latin American e-commerce site. As of 2016, they had 174.2 Million users all across Latin America. They made the chance to become an open source platform back in 2011. That change allowed for API's to expand the platform's solutions and services. Much like what we are trying to do. Connect all of these e-commerce sites to Freshdesk's platform for an easier customer support for Mercado Libre's retailers. More than 3,000 official stores of brands work with the Mercado Libre platform. They would also benefit enormously from leveraging our integration services to provide better customer support services.

What's the prize?

There's a CASH prize for the winners of the event ($5,000 USD for the first place), and there are a few more prizes for the best use of the sponsor's resources (Freshworks & Paypal API's). Top applications also get an opportunity to join Pitney Bowes Start - Accelerator for SMB focused applications.

We're looking forward to creating a great product during the event and hopefully, have this integration ready A.S.A.P.

Stay tuned for updates directly from the event!

Interested? Check out the event information here.

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