Moving our bot from Stride to Slack - Part I

Moving our bot from Stride to Slack - Part I

Last week the Atlassian community was caught by surprise when they announced the acquisition of all the Stride and Hipchat intellectual property by Slack, as well as an investment from Atlassian into the chat platform. This was unexpected for many of the developers of Stride apps like us at SoftwareDevTools and we now are working on migrating users to the Slack platform.

First, we want to thank all the organizations and teams that counted on our Standup bot for Stride and used it on a regular basis to do their daily stand-ups. As you know, we did the Stride application based on our first Standup bot for Slack. We are now developing a process so you can have all the information you have in Stride reflected in your Slack instance.

This move consolidates Slack as the leader in the chat industry for business, although not as big as mobile chat apps like Telegram or WhatsApp. By now it has become the go-to platform for organizations that use chat to increase communication in their daily business processes.


Next steps for our Stand-bot for Stride users.

We will be reaching out to everyone who has used the Stand-bot for Stride, so we can understand each of your needs to create a migration plan that can make the transition to Slack as smooth as possible. For now many of you have tried Slack and we want to make sure that all the information you have in the Stride bot will be available in your Slack groups.

Please let us know if you have any special needs, so we can plan accordingly and make this transition happen without impacting your organization's processes. We are working with the Stride and Slack teams to manage all of this. So if you have any requests please send us an email to

There is an established window of time until Atlassian pulls the plug on the Stride platform and we want to be proactive in migrating all of your team's dailies into Slack. We already support Jira through the Slack standup bot for Jira, so you will have full support to include your projects backlogs.

Continuous improvements to our Jira app and Slack bot.

Standup bot for Slack and Jira
When we started developing Stand-bot the goal was to automate daily team updates and it was initially created for Slack. We presented it at Connect Week Amsterdam and it was received with a lot of good reviews from the Atlassian Development team since we integrated it with Jira: you could easily import your backlogs into a team's Slack group so the bot could reference each member assigned Jira issues.

The growth of the bot has been steadily increasing, but we saw exponential growth when we launched the Stride version of the bot. It was very well received and we managed to be the 3rd largest install base in the Stride app ecosystem, so we gathered as much user feedback as we could so we could continue to improve it. We can assure you that it has not all gone to waste ;)

Many of you have requested some Jira integration features to the bot and we will be addressing them in the next release of our Stand-bot - Slack standup bot for Jira, one of this will be Jira Server support (which was going to be released in Stride). As you see we will continue to improve our stand-up bot application, we want to be part of your Agile practices and will continue to support everyone that has installed the bot.

Our team is committed to continuing to support your daily standup needs in Slack, all thought there are many options in the market. We believe that true value lies in diversity and we made a bet to keep developing within the Atlassian ecosystem and we will continue to do so; Atlassian place a very strong bet when they decided to launch Stride and it was a battle that they did not win. But it goes to show that pushing innovation in any industry will not always deliver the expected outcome.

To all the Stride and Atlassian developers that helped us along the way, we will keep cheering for you and support your bets in the team communication and SaaS space. So, let’s look for the next big opportunity to keep placing bets, it’s all about making teams reach their goals and keep providing excellent tools for the software development industry.

Standup bot for Agile teams in Slack

Thanks for all the fish Stride team! And the best of luck on your next big venture!

PS. We will be documenting all the experience of migrating from Stride to Slack, more to come ;)

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