Improve Your Digital Marketing Operations With Agile Management

Improve Your Digital Marketing Operations With Agile Management

The market won’t stop changing. Even the Agile Marketing Manifesto states that "To keep up with the speed and complexity of marketing today, we are adopting new ways of working."

You can't afford to spend your hard-gained budget in tactics with little to no impact while your competitors eat all the slices of the pie.

Adopting an Agile focus is one effective way to overcome the odds. You might've heard about agile frameworks such as Scrum or Kanban, which are the most popular ones.

While they originated in the software industry, more and more marketing teams across different sectors are adopting variations of these frameworks due to advantages such as:

  • Improved internal communication

Being aware of the tasks of other teammates and overall strategy is essential to keep the flow.

  • Reduced costs

Only products/features meant to deliver value get worked on, mitigating waste.

  • Results-oriented

Every tactic that gets prioritized into the pipeline must have a clear goal.

This is just a glimpse of the benefits that you can seize. Download the Improve your digital marketing operations with agile management eBook, an easy-to-follow guide to help you deploy a custom Agile framework for your operations and boost the impact of your team.

Grab your copy for free here.

What you will find in this guide:

1. Agile Digital Marketing

  • What is Agile Digital Marketing?
  • Agile vs. Traditional Marketing
  • Agile Marketing Examples
  • Agile Management Tools

2. Deploying an Agile Framework

  • What is a Sprint?
  • Sprint Goal
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Agile Board
  • User Stories
  • Multi-Purpose Stories
  • Roles & Activities

3. Working in Sprints

  • Sprint Planning
  • Stand-up Meetings
  • Walking the Board
  • Measuring Agility

4. Continuous Improvement

  • Reviewing Past Sprints
  • What is a Sprint Retrospective?
  • Follow-up Action Items
  • Engaging & Simple Retrospectives
  • Some Useful Techniques

Wait no more and start delivering more value earlier with the help of this e-book.

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