Have an idea for a Freshservice app? Build your Freshservice app in a week

Have an idea for a Freshservice app? Build your Freshservice app in a week

Hello, I’m Marco Alvarado, a software engineer part of the SoftwareDevTools team. My team mainly focuses on building products that integrate to the tools teams already use (Freshdesk, Freshservice, Confluence, Jira) targeting software companies that work agile, and companies with support teams.

Integrating to these tools has set us in the guest list for amazing events hosted by the companies who own them. My team recently rocked at the Pitney Bowes SMB App Building Hackathon, and we’ve been participating in events hosted by Atlassian. I attended last year’s Atlassian's Connect Week at Austin with my team and last month we participated in Atlassian’s App Week at Portland, OR.

The main goal of these events is building or improving products that integrate with their platform, with the help of the people who actually build the platform. This is a golden opportunity to gather feedback and great ideas on the upcoming steps for products.

The destination

The destination
Given the success we’ve been having with the Freshdesk & Trello Integration, one of our goals at this Atlassian’s App Week was building an integration between Freshservice & Trello throughout the week.

The use case is slightly the same. Allowing IT teams who use Freshservice as their incident management tool to integrate with other teams within their company, improving the workflow and synchronization between them. This is possible with a Trello App in Freshservice platform, and a Freshservice Power-up in Trello's platform.

Trello App in Freshservice allows IT people to create trello cards in trello boards that are available to other teams, generating a relation between ticket and card, keeping the trello card information visible in the ticket’s view. As you can imagine, this saves tons of time and does not interrupt a team's workflow.

Freshservice Power-up in Trello, allows diverse teams to integrate to Freshservice, allowing users to visualize, create, and attach tickets with a single shared Freshservice account per board.

The happy path

A happy path

Building the Trello App for Freshservice has been like a walk in the park... a park that I’ve walked in before, that is. If you’re planning to build a Freshservice app, and have built a Freshdesk app for the Mint version previously (SDK2), you’ll get the same feeling.

In a couple of days, working as the only developer in the app, I managed to bring:

  • OAuth Authentication
  • Trello cards list view
  • Trello card details view
  • Create a Trello card feature
  • Linking a Trello card feature
  • Deleting a card feature
  • Private notes on Trello cards events (like moving a card to a different list or changing its due date)

The Freshservice team did a great work on keeping the similarity of developer tools between these different platforms and it allowed our team to develop a complete app in just a couple of days.

Being Freshservice a new platform, there are still a couple of features to be brought to Freshservice’s SDK that are already in Freshdesk SDK2, and our team is looking forward to include them once they are relased!

The final result

In less than one week I managed to build a product with no blockers. Now ITSM teams using Freshservice will be able to work seamlessly with other teams that use Trello as their workflow management app. We are already fine-tuning a few UX details to offer the same quality experience as we have in our Freshdesk + Trello app. Once we are done with it, Freshworks will vet it and approve it for their marketplace.

Here’s the demo of the final product that we showed during the event:

Stay tuned for the final release. Sign up in Product hunt to receive updates and to be notified when it is released!

Working along with Atlassian & Freshworks has been a great experience, these companies have contributed to our team’s growth and building tools that enhance teams workflows is very satisfying.

Participating in their events has opened many possibilities for us to grow, and we are proud to have products in their marketplaces.

Trying to improve your #Agile practices? OR are you getting started with Agile? Are you in a remote team? Check out our products for Agile teams at SoftwareDevTools. We focus on making agile ceremonies more effective and easier to adopt for remote teams.

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