SoftwareDevTools on Atlassian’s Connect Week in Austin

SoftwareDevTools on Atlassian’s Connect Week in Austin

This coming week, the team will be joining over 42 Companies and their development teams in Atlassian’s Connect Week event.
Connect Week is a meeting of developers who work around the Atlassian Marketplace ecosystem from across the world in one location to promote collaboration amongst in-house teams and add-on’s developers.

Needless to say, this is a great opportunity for all of us who are actively developing new products for its Marketplace. Having designers, developers, engineers, PM’s, Support team, Business OPS, just about every team they have is represented in the event, and most importantly, every product: JIRA Core & Service Desk, Confluence, HipChat, Bitbucket and it’s latest acquisition: Trello.

The whole week is filled with activities and events, one feels energized just to be there. We are going to have the chance to learn about Atlassian’s full capabilities, best practices, hear interesting insights about future plans, and most importantly we have the chance to give and receive feedback directly. I find this very important, and a very big key for Atlassian’s and its Marketplace success. Not only are we getting a chance to hear feedback about our products face-to-face with the team that is in charge of building the platform you are building on. Atlassian also sets-up time and space to get feedback from us, from current projects to future releases. They sit down with you and listen. That’s key to improvement.

The first day is a planned as a conference since there are talks almost all day from all teams in Atlassian. This day we can’t wait to hear from Bentley Cook, Developer advocate from Trello, whom we’ve talked to before (Here’s a blog post and a video of the interview we had with him on the last Atlassian Summit). Particularly since during the event, we will be developing a Trello power-up (more on that later). We’re glad to hear from Ben Mackie from the Confluence team, Dave Meyer from JIRA team and Lucy Denton from the design team. They’ve all been very helpful and the team is always happy to meet with them.

What is working on during the event?

We are going to be in Austin working on an integration for Trello + FreshDesk, FreshDesk is a cool tool for support teams, and Trello as a PM tool. We happen to think this is a very helpful integration and many people should benefit from it. The tool is now live in Freshdesk's marketplace. Check out more in our Freshdesk+Trello website.

We are also doing some upgrades for our existing products. We will be building Atlassian Video service into our Confluence add-ons: Agile Retrospectives for Confluence & Agile Retrospectives for Jira and Scrum Poker for Confluence and Scrum Poker for Jira. So know you will be able to hold Retros and estimation sessions in any Jira project, saving a LOT of Time & Money ($$$$). We’re very excited!

We will be updating our readers and the community about what’s going down at Atlassian’s Connect Week. So stay tuned! Sign up and receive updates about our content :)

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